Thursday, February 19, 2009

terrible twos

why the heck am i so grumpy?!
i feel like half the time my face is like this:

i'm back to my 'i hate winter' mode.
and honestly i just need to get over myself already.

and i have no idea why the last post i was ranting about irony
and underlining its improper misuse in sentences and situations.
super geek i am.
but if i must i must.
irony is not coincidence.
irony is more like sarcasm.
Alanis Morissette just likes to make up shit in her mind,oh, like definitions to words for example,
and then putting it in her stupid songs.
i suppose i just felt i had to clear that up for F.Y.I. reasons.

this past weekend seamed like a big blur.
I ended up going all the way to JFK on Monday to drop off my baby sis
and just before i left, i through some sound, yet very condense advice at her.
she seamed like she was grateful for it and took in genuinely.
Sam brought up a very good point, we forget her age and how young
and inexperience she is.
though, I believe i can say project vee was a success!

movement is contagious.

Friday we hit up MOmA
for their free friday nights.

I must gab about the The Printed Picture Exhibition.
it will be running up until July 13, so there
definitely time to see it sill.
but if you are a true photo-buff at heart,
you must go to this.
The Printed Picture is a book by Richard Benson
'that traces the changing technology of picture making from the Renaissance to the present, focusing on the vital role of images in multiple copies.
a1.Offset duotone and tritone.

In conjunction with the publication of the book, the installation of the material will be presented in the The Edward Steichen Photography Galleries.'

the art of film photography has been at lost for many years,
however, i remember the days in the darkroom.
There's just a certain high you get from the entire process
when you get it right.
this exhibition highlights the technical advances of print (etc),
virtually things that almost go unnoticed.
I, myself had stored all that in my subconscious
until I saw the evidence in front of me.

like bar codes for instance. we rarely think about what they really are and what they really do.
but the idea is brilliant. take a look at one of the installations.
read the caption.

my mind was blown away.

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