Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I know its not my birthday and i know it's not Christmas for another 10 months, but
i know defiantly what's going on my wish list already!

have you ever been in the middle of 2 books, a magazine, and the morning paper and just cant decided which to take with you as you're running out the door? well, my good friend, behold Amazons updated wonderment, the KINDLE 2!!!

Its a super light slick device that allows you to download thousands of book and keep them in your Kindle.

take a look at the Kindle 2.0

it makes me what to take out my credit card and not think twice
about paying that 359 dollars.

Though kindle 2 makes my heart race at the idea that i can carry literally thousands of book in the palm of my hand, it almost makes me feel like a cheating spouse. With this new technology, what will happen to my beloved books?! what about the magic of walking into a dusty mystical used book store and flipping the pages of a 1930's atlas? The vivid colors of art work or textures of a child's first learning book? There's just somethings that can never be replaced

I cant help feeling guilty for wanting it so bad. Though, it does minimize the use of paper and is very convenient. especially since i commute daily on the subway and such.

Though if i stop being a typical grandma consumer and just ride the technology wave and appreciate the advancements ,
i can enjoy this for just a little.

so kindle me this kindle me that, buy it or not, but stop talking smack!

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