Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I know its not my birthday and i know it's not Christmas for another 10 months, but
i know defiantly what's going on my wish list already!

have you ever been in the middle of 2 books, a magazine, and the morning paper and just cant decided which to take with you as you're running out the door? well, my good friend, behold Amazons updated wonderment, the KINDLE 2!!!

Its a super light slick device that allows you to download thousands of book and keep them in your Kindle.

take a look at the Kindle 2.0

it makes me what to take out my credit card and not think twice
about paying that 359 dollars.

Though kindle 2 makes my heart race at the idea that i can carry literally thousands of book in the palm of my hand, it almost makes me feel like a cheating spouse. With this new technology, what will happen to my beloved books?! what about the magic of walking into a dusty mystical used book store and flipping the pages of a 1930's atlas? The vivid colors of art work or textures of a child's first learning book? There's just somethings that can never be replaced

I cant help feeling guilty for wanting it so bad. Though, it does minimize the use of paper and is very convenient. especially since i commute daily on the subway and such.

Though if i stop being a typical grandma consumer and just ride the technology wave and appreciate the advancements ,
i can enjoy this for just a little.

so kindle me this kindle me that, buy it or not, but stop talking smack!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

terrible twos

why the heck am i so grumpy?!
i feel like half the time my face is like this:

i'm back to my 'i hate winter' mode.
and honestly i just need to get over myself already.

and i have no idea why the last post i was ranting about irony
and underlining its improper misuse in sentences and situations.
super geek i am.
but if i must i must.
irony is not coincidence.
irony is more like sarcasm.
Alanis Morissette just likes to make up shit in her mind,oh, like definitions to words for example,
and then putting it in her stupid songs.
i suppose i just felt i had to clear that up for F.Y.I. reasons.

this past weekend seamed like a big blur.
I ended up going all the way to JFK on Monday to drop off my baby sis
and just before i left, i through some sound, yet very condense advice at her.
she seamed like she was grateful for it and took in genuinely.
Sam brought up a very good point, we forget her age and how young
and inexperience she is.
though, I believe i can say project vee was a success!

movement is contagious.

Friday we hit up MOmA
for their free friday nights.

I must gab about the The Printed Picture Exhibition.
it will be running up until July 13, so there
definitely time to see it sill.
but if you are a true photo-buff at heart,
you must go to this.
The Printed Picture is a book by Richard Benson
'that traces the changing technology of picture making from the Renaissance to the present, focusing on the vital role of images in multiple copies.
a1.Offset duotone and tritone.

In conjunction with the publication of the book, the installation of the material will be presented in the The Edward Steichen Photography Galleries.'

the art of film photography has been at lost for many years,
however, i remember the days in the darkroom.
There's just a certain high you get from the entire process
when you get it right.
this exhibition highlights the technical advances of print (etc),
virtually things that almost go unnoticed.
I, myself had stored all that in my subconscious
until I saw the evidence in front of me.

like bar codes for instance. we rarely think about what they really are and what they really do.
but the idea is brilliant. take a look at one of the installations.
read the caption.

my mind was blown away.

Monday, February 16, 2009

isn't it ironic that in fact it's not ironic?!

translate: 'i found love on the Internet'
'....isnt it ironic....dont you think....'
whao! yeah Alanis you're sooo fucken awesome.
now that's ironic.

moving on...
yesterday was valentines day ( just in case no one rubbed it in you face and you forgot),
so the three of us went to cafe habana and had some yummy food&drinks.
we walked up and down Manhattan like mad people, but ended up running into
a very pleasant surprise.

it was during the of course last night that i finally found it!
a super secret insiders dining stop that i'd been hearing about!

though i've debated whether or not to disclose the location, lets just say it's 'a sleekly restored diner car doubles as a taqueria and a front for one of the city's most stylish dining destinations. Behind the door marked "Employees Only," down the stairs and through the bowels of the kitchen, lies a gothic vault ornamented with wrought iron gates and dripping candelabras. Clusters of fashion and music types, outfitted in their best dungeon glam, augment the allure. Thankfully the unique space doesn't outshine the food, influenced by consultant Richard Ampudia of nearby Cafe Habana. Every step pleases, from skillfully balanced seviches to authentically styled tacos and the generously flavored mains.' -cs

Word on the street is that is it super hard to get reservations here and ends up boiling down to 'who you know'.
the fact that this is such an insider thing elevates my desire to eat there.
better said this is something exclusive.

i must be a part of it!!!

i feel l must share yet another treasure i encountered in my adventure to the laundry mat the other night.
as my clothes washed and the dramatic Spanish speaking soap opera played, i decided to try my luck in a
claw machine.

there i saw behind the glass a beautiful little max doll that had my name written all over it.
i was confident i could snatch him and 2 1/2 goes later...
taaaaa daaahhh!

swwweeeet victory!

today i'm wondering if i should ride a bike or not.
mmmm i think i'll just do it!

-i feel great-
now that's irony.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i'm just not that into you...feeling like crap!

have you or have you not tried uno's farmers market deep dish pizza?!
if not, ssssttttaaaaay aaway! its delious...ly...dandgous.
and dont be fooled by the many veggie on tops this mamma jamma. it is loaded with
your daily intake of carbs, dairy, fats, and calories.
but damn, it taste so gooood.

coincidentally, i was wearing a 'eat your vegetables' tee yesterday. These of course are my chorky attempts to promote good health, but obviously flush it away quick by consuming them on a Chicago-style deep dish pizza.
{good going loser-face!}

my sister is here!
(i.e. picture above)

and i really cant tell yet if she's really excited or hardly impressed.
giving it some time.

on this lovely valentines day morning, the entire house woke up to the smell of a mysterious burning smell.
we find out that our down stair neighbor burn the shit out of a pot a rice.
4 hours later the 'intoxicating aroma' still lingers.

and speaking of the v-day, if you are looking for cards & tired of those damn hallmark, poop speaking non-sense, then
here's some v-day e-cards that our sure to get a reaction.

if you're honey has a taste for dark-humor or just a oopper fan of law& order (like myself), then these v-cards are just screaming ' i may not be the best looking guy, but if i make you laugh, you can learn to like me". and really, who doesn't like nice kinda creepy acts of kindness. haa.

and if that didn't tickle your funny bone then go to
someecards.com and browse for more valentine day messages.

they range for all types of folks.



web geek:




single ladies:

well in any case whatever tickles your pickle its a load of chuckles either way.
and if this isn't you favorite holiday to celebrate they got plenty others to
awkwardly offend your friends and family.

call me crazy but even though 2009 started a little rough and still in its post 2008 year end woes,
i'm still pretty optimistic about this year.
i have no f-en clue.

It extends out to cinema in 09 as well.
i think it's safe to say I’m a movie buff and love theater experience minus sticky floors.
so, just in case you didnt know

one of my favorite book as a kid is being made into a movie. 'It's an adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler.'

It's directed by spike jones and has had numerous obstacles in getting made.
Despite, I'm extremely curious to the end results.
release date is in October and i can't wait!!!

as for today.
let it begin.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

F.ired U.p

so my last entry was rather misleading. and frankly a little harsh.
i do occasionally still find myself humming christmas songs at work and enjoy looking at snow fall from the window, really i do, but this cold has got the best of me. it has come to my attention that i have a 'condition'!

i'm S.A.D.
you see, according to The US National Library of Medicine i ha(d) seasonal affective disorder. This is what they said, "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods."

either that, or they just called me a stoner.

no, in actuality i don’t 'HATE' winter, but more like, it has run its course already! now, i want it to go away and give the sun a chance...
damn it!
no really.

i just need a damn vacation. like pronto!

so lucky for me i was stuck working six days the week before and didnt have much of a weekend, but made up for it
with this past weekend & did a lotta walking.

so friday after work we hit up the west village,
ate too much, and got sauced with 2 long island and 1/4 bottle
of coke&run!

saturday consisted of me having yet another lazy start, but caught some sun while heading into willy-b's local inside flea market. we went down to check it out and support one of my favorite locals, sable.

set up:

i had spent a lotta money the past couple days and was on a short leash that weekend.
i ended up leaving with two mini food rings from the 3sD mamas!
check em at their blog.
great stuff from a great trio of ladies!

we ventured off more into brooklyn, grab some Indian food, then decided to take a
stroll on the bridge. everything was fine until...


Suddenly we see 20-30 feet from us, a biker down on the floor. I could see that they fell pretty hard and ran in haste to the scene.
Appartently it was a woman who lost traction and hit her head on the steel bars of the bridge.
Her face was tore up and she remained unconscious for while.
Her son frantically calls out to her to wake up and she comes in and out of it, as the side of her face is bleeding.

shit shit shit. i get my phone and call 911!
it had to be seriously 45 minutes for the damn ambulance to comprehend 'we are on the Williamsburg bridge, if you are looking at brooklyn from the city we on the left hand side. we are not in brooklyn. we are over the water in the city, the side closest to manhatten.' it was like wtf man?! the damn cops were there before them.& that usually isnt the case.
the whole time we all waited, all i can think was 'damn, these people our suppose to come save our lives and they cant even follow directions?!'
leave me for dead then!
I’ve been to a brooklyn hospital & i don’t know if the ones in the cities’ are better or worst, either way i do not want to end up there again! gees what a horrible experience!

i do remember though that in this whole bike/bridge fiasco that this man, a concern pedestrian, asked if we needed further assistance. We informed him that we already did all we could and then thanked him. he nodes and just before he is on his way, the man points to the sky and says,' you guys are good people. this is going to score some big points with the man up stairs'.

i smirk at the comment, but I really never know how to take those comments

on a more random note, why the hell has this song been stuck in my
head for the last couples days?!

Im Like A Bird - Nelly Furtado

On Sunday i hit up the streets and dressed up for absolutely no reason other then wanting to look cute. It was working against me quickly, thanks to the super evil winter wind chill!

but before I spiral into a winter rant I will direct it to a more worthy cause!
hot dogs!!!
i looove hot dogs and i feel it is my duty as a dedicate admirer to inform you about


'The New York food scene is always looking for some fancy-free food to gourmet-up, be it Gorgonzola burgers, duck-fat French fries or thin-crust artichoke pizza.

This year's candidate for yuppie-fixation is the simple hot dog, currently being fancified at Dogmatic Sausage Systems, a new Union Square-area eatery run by the former chef at West Village hot spot Employees Only. What started as a street cart at Bleecker Street Playground is now a full-scale restaurant, and if the lines during opening week are any gauge, Dogmatic could give the ubiquitous Gray's Papaya a run for its money.

Just don't ask for a Ballpark frank with yellow mustard. The dogs here are made from free-range chicken, grass-fed pork, turkey and lamb, served on baguettes and topped with sauces like truffle Gruyere and sun-dried tomato feta.' –ny res08.

check it!

in movies, i'm super glad i skipped 'he's just not that into you', though the book is rather informative and gives me reasons to slap and laugh at myself, the reviews are trash talking-hardcore about its weak script.
However if you are looking for an experience at the theaters,
I suggest watching coraline in 3d!

old teaser traler:

It visually beautiful and amazingly eerie. I heard it described as 'the mad hatters version of Alice in wonderland'.
But don’t veer off for a chance to see it.
You know you secretly want too!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

the devil wears a sales rep outfit.

it was a shame that the last week i had to work 6days and feel shitting and lazy on sunday cause the sky's decided to give us an awsume weekend. go figure.
it seam when i do have the weekend off the weather is crap!

i went to Korea town this weekend and realize why i stay far from it.
food is way not cheap and somehow you'll pay twice as much for something you can get in china town. though i admit there market's pretty sweet. though, when are they gonna have a japan land?

in any case, the sun decided to stay until monday which made me just want to get out doors and soak up as much as i can! i went into the city to meet up for lunch and found a sitting place between the building that projected that beautiful sunlight. man it felt so good. i can really see first hand why people back home in California are way happier people. we take breath taking sunsets for granted, they are there year round.

exciting new is my little sister is coming. i bought her a plain ticket to new york for her bday and gonna spoil her while she's here. times are tough back home for her and everyone right now, so i hope this will reboot her!!!

i on the other been spending money left and right and mostly thank the sales rep on 5th ave yesterday in being damn good at his job. i;m weak. i have never bought an expensive girl thing, until that beautiful hand embroidered mustard hand bag came in to my sight. well, i'll tell you since the economy is shit, its s good time to go shopping! all stores are suffering right now, including big names and the sales are just amazing.

word of caution: just be careful with those cleaver sales reps they will push until you give!!!