Monday, January 26, 2009

so this weekend didn't consist of me endangering myself,unless you count saturday when i wore my pea coat that lost all its buttons, being held together only by one silver broach. otherwise i felt i was rather productive.
maybe not in doing chores but i didnt stay in the apartment all weekend.

i went to Pete's candy store in brooklyn for the first time and had this amazing sandwich with a hot cup of spiked apple cider. mmm.

saturday i headed to the Whitney, and honestly i dont think i ever disliked a museum in my life, but for whatever reason the first two times i went, it had felt so mundane. however, it had faded away that evening. it was two days before the William Eggleston: Democratic Camera - Photographs and Video, 1961-2008 ended & it was a must see!
the lighting was a little low and there was this mist around the entire floor, a kind of wetness almost. nonetheless the entire thing was eye candy. beautiful prints with very saturated colors. love love love.

on the fourth floor was the Alexander Calder exhibition, the paris years.
i walked around with those headphones they pass out and had the little device narrated his colorful life to me. i was so impressed in fact, that i purchased a tee down stair at the gift shop!

calder tee.

we headed to china town where i took some pictures and we ate dirty Chinese.
there where people up and down the street selling countless flowers and fruit.
the sidewalks where crowed, people every where getting ready for the Chinese new year. year of the ox!

after feeling inspired and our tummy's full, we go down to the angelica to watch a movie i've been wanting to see for awhile now.
slumdog millionaire. 'set and filmed in India, Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a young, uneducated man from the Dharavi slums of Mumbai who appears on an Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and exceeds people's expectations, arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials.'

its an incredible movie that kept my heart racing. it's a beautiful raw story about the extremes in life. If you havent seen it, I highly recommend the film. If you havent heard about it then you must!

side not: the girl who plays latikka is such a hottie.

ah, but my saturday night didnt end there. i get a text from ruthie that a sick party is going down in brooklyn 'valerie collective house party tonite!!! russ chimes. anoraak. college love! bradley d! starts at 12:)'.

when i got that text, i didnt care if my tired bones wanted to go home. i was going to that house party and dancing my legs to nubs if i had to!!! i had missed the show the night before at webster hall cause i was working and it had slipped my mind, so i was so excited that this was going down! i get lost of course and finally find the crowed smoked filled loft. and well into the night i partied up. dancing front and center of russ chimes! gooood times.

check out there blogger page
and free stream at

1 comment:

HolyshitiLoveyou said...

Oh man, that sounds like the funnest day ever!

I always get facebook-invited to music shows at Pete's Candy store and never go. But now that there are sandwich and cider opportunities... I may just have to venture there.