Thursday, January 22, 2009

small talk about big things. yes we did!

it has come to my attention that perhaps i'm not the only one to gaze their eyes over the words i digital scribble on here.

perhaps it reminds me of that saying, 'If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?'

and just because i don't get an indication of people reading this thing, doest mean they dont.

technology has sifted the idea of movement. at least what we usually reference it too, such as running or jumping. that idea of action.

now, i suppose there's such a thing as digital action. digital movement.

and it reminds me of the current events in politics and the use of plentiful resources we have now.
how our current president executed those wisely and for that it helped him stay in
touch and in tune with current times.

there's a small conversation that came up the day after the inauguration about bush.
his stupid face after obama's speech, left a couple of us wondering, what would be the outcome of that Tuesday, if our former president didnt royally screw up?

would there be a black man as the commander and chief, leader of this 'free' world?

i use to know this guy who was pretty damn smart. his wittiness was attractive but was shadowed by his cynical attitude. one thing i remember he told me was that 'smarts, in his opinion, was not measured by numbers and scores, but by being able to genuinely solve problems.'

i never though to associate obama with the term 'radial views', but indeed they are. everything we know, this man plans to shake up.

even the bitter republicans have taken over his side with a few smart ass remark here and there. trying to bust the after glow bubbles of this historic event. picking and just being 10year old sore losers.
but still it is what it is.

obama's views are without a doubt idealized, but he always reassures us that change is not possible if there is no movement in our part. he emphasises that he can leads us to better times if we just get up and follow the wave. he reminds us that if we are to over come, that we cant remain fearful. fearful of change and to remember that it was us, those who had never truly exercised there rights as Americans, that made it. progress. transition. history.

where ever our journey goes, it can be said with out a doubt, that we have made a mark.

lets keep it up.


HolyshitiLoveyou said...

Dude, I am both a dancer AND a cupcake eater. I try to do the former more than the latter but usually the desserts win. Fun!
I will be the internet creepo this time and facebook YOU!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

yes we can