Friday, January 30, 2009

dream to live. live to dream.

so lately i've been having pretty insane scary dreams.
yet on most occasions when i have nightmares, i'm left slightly terrified in the morings. i do admit i'm a little weired out when i wake up, but almost chuckle at the ridiculous subconscious mesh my mind produces.

however, there was a dream i did have a couple weeks ago that was rather odd as well, but carried a completely different feeling. i vaguely remember most of it, but it makes no different because those details are trivial anyways. The part i recall quite clearly is the glowing pumpkins!!! yes a field as far as the eye can see of glowing pumpkins!

somehow i was on this farmland part of a kingdom, that was stricken by poverty and desperate to get the prince's attention, who lived over the mountain, to come save them. so the plan was, if i could get his majesty to come to the common land and get married off to him, then i could aid the people from their hungry woes. so somehow i had these seeds that i planted all through the farmers land and like magic, hundreds and hundreds of glowing pumpkins grew. they produced so much light and energy over this darken land that the royals could see the orange hue from the castle. the prince was then intrigued by the illuminating source and headed towards it quickly.

the people had then realized that those pumpkins produced energy to help bring fresh water, heat, and to cultivate the land. the prince still wanted to marry me which was a chick perk for any girl, but the entire thing was greatly mythical and yet strangely inspiring.

so then...
fast forward to a week later i go to check my email, as usually, and bombarded with advertisments all over the tops and sides, as usually, only this time one quickly catches my eye. a grey banner that read 'SolarAid is a brand new charity that works with rural communities in developing countries to use solar power to fight poverty and climate change.' and i was like whaaaa?!!!?

i'm awed. what an amazing concept, and in that moment i had a flash back of my crazy dream. ironic? mmmm. well i suppose only i would make a connection like that, still this is an fantastic idea worth spreading. and this is without a doubt inspiring!
take a look to see what this organizations about:

go on there website to read more info
or become a youtube fan and keep up to date with there project video blogs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

so this weekend didn't consist of me endangering myself,unless you count saturday when i wore my pea coat that lost all its buttons, being held together only by one silver broach. otherwise i felt i was rather productive.
maybe not in doing chores but i didnt stay in the apartment all weekend.

i went to Pete's candy store in brooklyn for the first time and had this amazing sandwich with a hot cup of spiked apple cider. mmm.

saturday i headed to the Whitney, and honestly i dont think i ever disliked a museum in my life, but for whatever reason the first two times i went, it had felt so mundane. however, it had faded away that evening. it was two days before the William Eggleston: Democratic Camera - Photographs and Video, 1961-2008 ended & it was a must see!
the lighting was a little low and there was this mist around the entire floor, a kind of wetness almost. nonetheless the entire thing was eye candy. beautiful prints with very saturated colors. love love love.

on the fourth floor was the Alexander Calder exhibition, the paris years.
i walked around with those headphones they pass out and had the little device narrated his colorful life to me. i was so impressed in fact, that i purchased a tee down stair at the gift shop!

calder tee.

we headed to china town where i took some pictures and we ate dirty Chinese.
there where people up and down the street selling countless flowers and fruit.
the sidewalks where crowed, people every where getting ready for the Chinese new year. year of the ox!

after feeling inspired and our tummy's full, we go down to the angelica to watch a movie i've been wanting to see for awhile now.
slumdog millionaire. 'set and filmed in India, Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a young, uneducated man from the Dharavi slums of Mumbai who appears on an Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and exceeds people's expectations, arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials.'

its an incredible movie that kept my heart racing. it's a beautiful raw story about the extremes in life. If you havent seen it, I highly recommend the film. If you havent heard about it then you must!

side not: the girl who plays latikka is such a hottie.

ah, but my saturday night didnt end there. i get a text from ruthie that a sick party is going down in brooklyn 'valerie collective house party tonite!!! russ chimes. anoraak. college love! bradley d! starts at 12:)'.

when i got that text, i didnt care if my tired bones wanted to go home. i was going to that house party and dancing my legs to nubs if i had to!!! i had missed the show the night before at webster hall cause i was working and it had slipped my mind, so i was so excited that this was going down! i get lost of course and finally find the crowed smoked filled loft. and well into the night i partied up. dancing front and center of russ chimes! gooood times.

check out there blogger page
and free stream at

Friday, January 23, 2009

ventures to morrow

so in my morning attempts to function, doing the least amount of work is key.
so instead of getting up and getting my camera from a white paper bag accompanied by the new york times, i grab my phone which is bedside, to take a picture of my knee.

why you may ask?
cause i want to remember the trail of idiocy that can happen when you had too much kool-aid (up).
but i decided that it was just way to eww to post.
this time i wasnt flying off of bikes,
but unknowingly walking home and tripped over a fence.
(important detail: fence was on the ground.)

which brings me to my new years.
i was fortunate enough to be working on the eve
but did get the glimpse of the ball dropping in time square on the LCD,
which coincidentally i was only 3 block from.

if you by chance missed the drop
here it is for your viewing:

quick note: dick clark creepy. ryan sea.crust way creepier.

i heart demi l. sorry for the lame shout out

nonetheless midnight didnt stop me from going out and dancing until the wee morning hours.

the buddies again where throwing a sweet party in greenpoint, so off i was brooklyn bound.

in a nutshell i danced, i shaked, i found an iPhone, i got mad @ taking care of way drunk people, and hit a hummer limo with the taxi door, oh, & then ran off. haa.
all in all it was an eventful new years.

jan 10: jeff's ptay!

as always in support my lovable ruth asked for an order for jeff's gig & of course was happy to accept.
and there they are.

it was a great time for cupcakes and friends a like.

please check out more great pictures of the event on my cupcake random page @

well, i suppose after that my amour rachel was convinced she waned to have my cupcakes at her bro's party.
which i may add, seams like a super fun awsume interesting dude.
he traveled around the world for more or less then a year.

i highly recommend his blog!!!

it was from this i got my ideas for his cupcakes.

in my most recent notable adventure, same weekend as the 'hit and fall' incident, i some how found my self on the road during a crazy snow storm and heading to Providence Rhode island. being born and raised in the sun (which i miss my summer glow) had left me ignorant to winter roads and the dangers they cause. so after seeing countless cars stranded and swarved off, it was a sure sign that mother nature had won this battle.

we cozied into a AAA approved hotel that to my surprise was really nice and came with access to its indoor swimming pool.
so of course i couldnt turn down the opportunity.
boy it felt good to be in the water, even though i could clearly see the snow from the glass door.

the really only downer was that mystic or more the entire state of Connecticut stops serving /selling liquor at 10pm! and never sells it on sundays. it happened to be sunday.

haa in any case i loved my mini vacay and being able to play in the snow and go swimming the nite before, well
that rocked!

lets see where this weekend takes me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

small talk about big things. yes we did!

it has come to my attention that perhaps i'm not the only one to gaze their eyes over the words i digital scribble on here.

perhaps it reminds me of that saying, 'If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?'

and just because i don't get an indication of people reading this thing, doest mean they dont.

technology has sifted the idea of movement. at least what we usually reference it too, such as running or jumping. that idea of action.

now, i suppose there's such a thing as digital action. digital movement.

and it reminds me of the current events in politics and the use of plentiful resources we have now.
how our current president executed those wisely and for that it helped him stay in
touch and in tune with current times.

there's a small conversation that came up the day after the inauguration about bush.
his stupid face after obama's speech, left a couple of us wondering, what would be the outcome of that Tuesday, if our former president didnt royally screw up?

would there be a black man as the commander and chief, leader of this 'free' world?

i use to know this guy who was pretty damn smart. his wittiness was attractive but was shadowed by his cynical attitude. one thing i remember he told me was that 'smarts, in his opinion, was not measured by numbers and scores, but by being able to genuinely solve problems.'

i never though to associate obama with the term 'radial views', but indeed they are. everything we know, this man plans to shake up.

even the bitter republicans have taken over his side with a few smart ass remark here and there. trying to bust the after glow bubbles of this historic event. picking and just being 10year old sore losers.
but still it is what it is.

obama's views are without a doubt idealized, but he always reassures us that change is not possible if there is no movement in our part. he emphasises that he can leads us to better times if we just get up and follow the wave. he reminds us that if we are to over come, that we cant remain fearful. fearful of change and to remember that it was us, those who had never truly exercised there rights as Americans, that made it. progress. transition. history.

where ever our journey goes, it can be said with out a doubt, that we have made a mark.

lets keep it up.