Monday, November 24, 2008

check it!

i've been working on a painting the last couple a days, which is a great outlet
and artistic comforter. i finally going to put all those throw away frames into use.
what restricts me from my projects is myself.
i get so caught up in the standards of well, standards
and then i'm so sure that its stupid and unqualified.
ha. i'm a real tough critic.

so its cold outside.
oh, right freezing and of course for some unknown reason our
heater's busted.
man, is everything in our house broken?
wtf is the landlord/super when you need them?
we still must enduring hard nipples in our own home
and walk with snow hats and janky socks.

so it had to be 2ish months ago that me & sam had been star brushed
twice in two days.
our first hollywood encounter was vincent d'onofrio.
it was a beautiful evening, still warm outside, as we headed towards
moma for their free friday nights.
as we scadooed along the Manhattan ciaos,there on a random street lamp pole, a filming paper was posted, "law and order: ci", it read.
i freaked. i frantically analyse the entire area
in hope to spot anyone form the show.
no luck.
then my "wheres Waldo" partner spots him.
sweet sweet vincent.
i wont go into details how i approached him and made a fool out
of myself, but i'll tell you thatthe first thing to come out of my mouth was
"oh geez your so handsome".
he sat in the huge shiny black Cadillac escalate.
his smile was big, face scuffed and he himself almost bear-like.
oh he's so adorable.

if i'm lucky my brain wont shut down and i can say
something witty to make him laugh next time. hey, i mean, it could happen.
as well as not be a bigger idiot and not take a picture with him.geesh.

the following day we were at grand central when yet again, my co-pilot spots
another movie star. this time i'm not excited. but found it humourous how
he was like the pink elelphant in the room, in this case the subway. everyone tired to act normal.
and yes, it was really ethan hawke.

i mean i liked him in before sunrise, it was the movie that won my heart over
but the minute that slut cheated on uma. he was no better
then those throw away goods, like usher and jude law. &if you think he's not a douche,
here he is being one at the 2007 tonys

i mean "he was asked about this video and was honest in an interview, he said he was not familiar with her work and did not know why such a big fuss was made over her....he is a cocky bastard and....disrespectful. "

Thursday, November 20, 2008


me @ old 1st apt in cali

so i was going through some old photobucket pix today. not sure exactly why and been dealing with the fact that i've been having to suffer popsicle toes because dhl has me sitting at the window like a pathetic puppie, waiting for my f*en package.
but what is a poor sap to do.
if worst comes to worst looks like i'm going to fckenin inwood nowhere really awsome ny to get a 13.5 oz box.

excuse me, but its very important
and frankly i'm just really ticked off at this entire incident.

but back to what i was saying, before the mad womens ramble,
i found some old photos and some made me smile, others made me vomit in my mouth a little (pix of the ex and I)
but most of all it made me think about that girl i was in those pictures.
i suppose the core part of looking and striving for something great hasnt changed
but who i was is not who i am now.
i mean come on, naturally theres change.
i embrace it, though coldly sometimes
i do nonetheless.

let me tell you an insider thing about writing.
just do it.
sure keeping blogs, journal, diaries, and notepads may seam
nerdy and even childish to some
but it can serve you as a number of things.

i actually find it as a humorous reference of my life (first person)
about the woes, lows, and hoes.
and of course all that great stuff pb&j-ed in between.

people will always think nothin's going on, like they're waiting for the big bam of their lives
and they're drifters.
but dont you see (as you will one day) that we are always moving
and things are always happening.
you dont have to always look past the moutain tops
just past your nose.

enjoy the view displayed in front of you

Saturday, November 8, 2008

the wick inro

me and the roomies collaberated to make this pilot :

life in bush'wick"!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


its an understatement to say that a lot has happen since last post.

one very important thing i must say is that nov 4!!!
wow! historical! amazing! hopeful! inspiring! emotional!

that saturday i was
 working the usual nite shift and was sa
d that i was going to miss the outcome of the election but we headed into brooklyn to grab some brews to either cry into our cups or celebrate with them.

as i got off the train i immediately hear cheering and people along the street, arms up and jumping, for what sounded like something good had happen

is it true?! is it?! we run to the bar awkwardly with our stuff to see on the HD flat screen that our next president of the UNITED STATES IS.....

ah...aWWWWWW yes!!!!! OBAMA!!!

taylor, my roomie, was so excited in fact she made a video.
mad props!


it was a clip of just what was going on in new york. it felt like new years eve.
people on the streets cheering and ranting. 
It was the first time i really genuinely felt proud to be AMERICAN!
people united.
& for the first time, in a long time, it was our nation celebrating the good
and not the tragic.

well, in other news the economy is still in the toilet hole from what it was before and one of the reasons my job was "letting people go" b.s. was happening.

lets just say there was a lot of kaka mouth syndrome that went on there anyways. up to the very end. 

what was a mix feeling of liberation and
 disappointment, has transfered into a great job with sundays off!!!

getting paid a bit more, awesome benefits, and located essentially closer to  home.

its kinda cool working in the MET LIFE building, perhaps cause its one of the skyscrapers that you can still see from brooklyn.

the smaller down side is working at night. i stay up late, wake up later the next day a
nd dont get to do much. yet being any type of cook, chef, restaurant related anything getting sundays off is a hard thing to pass up. but i'm in a better place now.


so yet other project and love has evolved to make cupcake.random. still fairly new, but has received great feed back from many. 

ruth whose awesome, asked me to do the cmj event, to help promote my little business.
thank you for being supportive!
including taylor&sam.
thanks again.
of course my customers &
the cupcake admirers!

i dont have an official website, but i do have a myspace account where i post picture and updates! become our friend if you have an ounce of cupcake desires in your blood.

(will also link on this right hand corner)

good times halloween. i was broke as a joke but manage to put something together last minute. face paint is great and semi-fun. i say semi cause at one point its just a pain in the butt trying not to smear it, eat it, or get it in your eye. haa.

my theme was day of the dead. i think i did alright. i had fun anyways and met some great people at the parties.

i think despite my last minute efforts this year, i really had a appreciation for halloween & day of the dead.

most of it came from a subconscious level.
i lost an uncle that same month, and disclosing the details
is not important, but it has made my soul restless.
deaths in the past have always been a painful sting in my heart,
but this one, this time, the string remains.
maybe its the fact i'm so far away and haven't made my peace.
maybe i feel everything that happen, shouldn't have, and i wasn't there
to do anything.
its crazy how even an uncontrollable situation can still
make you feel guilty. 
its childish, but its hard when you lose some one you loved.