Monday, September 22, 2008

unexpected events

so i thought when i was gonna call into work yesterday
that my head was gonna be on a plate.
but some reason the chef were being human & understanding.

i mean its not my fault they havent found a cure for the common
cold, right. gees. & if someone still thinks you sexy when you sound
like the love child of Fran Drescher & a character from revenge of the nerds
keep them around!

i wanted to do a little short video more for my buddy aracelis
and i guess a bit randomness

so watch & throw tomatoes if you must
but hope u enjoy:

so just in case you didnt get to see the shot
heres a better look!


well it hurts like a bitch and i've been walking like i have a wooden leg!

let me tell you though the bike ride was so sweet!
and i was actually laughing while i was falling off the bike!
i was like oh shit. haaa!

and then crash!
i tell you though, there nothing like that sweet wind as you ride through brooklyn& i want this so bad now, even post crash!

friday night with sam taylor me & jewls

so if you are in new york
and love naked women then you gotta hit up a little place off of orchard and stanton on the lower eastside. women dance and take off there clothes with a little
more taste then your average stripper.

on the left you can see this all women chick dancer
as my roomie taylor doing the 'i approve this message' pose.

good times
after words we got crepes at this place down the street
where this foreign women behind the counter
made this natella deliciousness with a separate order
sun dried tomatoes and goat cheese stuffed crepes

so me & the roomie stand different when it comes to team miliey and team demi/selena!

so i do have to admit how i adore demi and selena and i wouldnt be a fan at heart
if i didnt tell you that her cd
dont forget
is coming out and i'm
getting it!

perez hilton has a thing for the jonie bros
and i gotta support the
young women who
are smart and talented.

i may get stonded
for being such a kid at heart
but i cant help it.

new season coming!
fall/winter in new york
that means cozy time
and more scarfs!

chrismas in new york!
get yourself over here!

1 comment:

- Jeremiah said...

sun dried tomatoes and goat cheese stuffed crepes sounds sooooo good!